The branching technique was developed by Norman A. Crowder (1960) and is called intrinsic programme. In this type each frame is of relatively bigger size and may contain two or three ideas of related sequence. A single question usually of the multiple choice type is asked at the end. The learner selects the response. If the learner chooses correctly, he is taken to the next frame in the main teaching sequence. It he is wrong, he is taken to a remedial frame where his mistakes are explained. After remedial work, he is directed to the original frame for making another attempt to choose the right answer.
Branching programme anticipates the errors of the learner. The errors are diagnosed and remedial instruction is provided.
Crowder points out that branching programme is like a human tutor and 'talks back' to the learner. When the frames of a branching programme are presented in a book form, the book is called 'scrambled book'. In this book, the correct frames are not arranged in normal sequence. The alternative frames subsequent to a given frame are put on widely dispersed pages throughout the book.
Advantages of Branching Programme
- The bigness of the size of frame as well as branching reduces unnecessary repetitions and responding. This saves the amount of learning time and reduces fatigue.
- Remedial frames not only explain the subject matter further, but also reason out why same other responses are not correct.
- When a programmer knows that the learners entering behaviour differs from each other, branching programme is more suitable.
Techniques of branching programme
There are two techniques in which branching programme can be arranged. They are called backward branching and forward branching.
Backward Branching
The learner goes from first frame to the second frame only if he makes correct response. If he makes an error he is lead to a remedial frame where he is given some more help in understanding the concept in solving the solutions by a better logic. He will then be redirected to the original frame. He reads again, answers correctly in the light of remedial material received earlier.
Forward Branching
In this type, whether the learner is making correct response or wrong response he will always be going to new pages, progressing from page to page. When he makes a wrong choice he is directed to a remedial frame where his mistakes are fully explained from which he goes to the next frame in the main stream.
Each technique has its own merits. Forward branching gives an advantage of apparent progress. Backward branching definitely motivates the learner to see what he missed. At every phase, the programme is analysed in terms of error rate and programme density.
Error rate:
The error rate of the programme is calculated on the basis of responses given by the learners for each frame in the programmed material.
If it is Linear Programming, conventional standard has been 5 error rate. In the case of Branched Programming, the error rate should not be less than 20. Linear frames with high error rate and branching with lower error rate should be rewritten.
Programme Density:
Programme density is measured in terms of Type Taken Ratio (TTR)
Testing is repeated until the programme is demonstrably brought up to the standard
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Programmed Instruction
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Linear or Extrinsic programming
Advantages and Limitations of Programmed Instruction
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