Difference between guidance and counselling

Difference between guidance and counselling

Guidance and counselling have, in all places, been vital aspects of higher education. One of the purposes of education is to help the individual in becoming a useful member of society. If an individual receives education without proper guidance and counselling, he is not able to develop his personality fully. Everyone needs guidance at some time in his life; some will need it constantly and   throughout their lives, while others need it only at rare intervals during times of great crisis.


Guidance and counselling are twin concepts and have emerged as essential elements of every educational activity. Guidance and counselling are not synonymous term. Counselling is a part of guidance. Guidance, in educational context means to indicate, point out, show the way, lead out and direct counselling is a specialized service of guidance. It is the process of helping individuals learns more about themselves and their present and possible future situations to make a substantial contribution to the society.

  1. Guidance is broader & comprehensive
  2. Guidance is more external, helps a person understand alternative solutions available to him & makes him understand his personality & choose the right solution.
  3. Guidance is mainly preventive & developmental
  4. Decision making is operable at an intellectual level in guidance
  5. Guidance is generally education; career related; may also be for personal problems

  1. Counselling is in-depth & narrow.
  2. Counselling helps people understand themselves & is an inward analysis. Alternative solutions are purposed to help understand the problem at hand.
  3. Counselling is remedial as well as preventive & developmental
  4. Counselling operates at an emotional level
  5. Counselling is mostly offered for personal and social issues.
