Teaching is a complex skill which can be analysed into simpler skills. Components of teaching skill can be trained for mastery under simplified teaching situation. Training with systematic feedback is helpful in skill mastery. The way in which one leans the skills of teaching through a scaled down teaching encounter is called micro-teaching. It is a constructive technique of training.
Micro-teaching is real teaching but complexities of normal classroom are simplified in terms of class size, duration and task of teaching. It is a highly individualized training device. This technique was first developed at Stanford University, USA in 1961 by Dwight W Allen and Robert N. Bush.
Important features of micro-teaching
1. Micro element:
It is the cardinal feature of micro-teaching. It reduces the complexities of teaching as
- The number of students is ranges from 5 to 10
- The duration of presentation is between 5 and 7 minutes.
- The content is kept low
- The number of teaching skills are limited, usually one at a time
- The micro analysis of teaching on micro events.
2. Teaching skills:
Teaching can be described in terms of component skills. These component skills of teaching are considered to be identifiable and capable of independent practice. A Component skill is defined as a group of teaching acts or behaviors intended to facilitate learning directly or indirectly'. The component skills of teaching are Stimulus - Variation, Set Induction, Questioning Explanation, Reinforcement etc.
3. Feedback:
The technique of micro-teaching seems to be based on Skinner's famous theory of operant conditioning. In micro-teaching, several reliable and authentic sources can be employed for providing necessary fed back. The feedback can be positive, negative and mixed
- Oral feedback by the supervisor
- Observations by the peer group participating in the micro lesson.
- Audio tape recording is a source of accurate feedback.
- Video recording is another powerful source of feedback.
- CCTV is a source of immediate feedback.
4. Safe Practice ground:
A micro-teaching laboratory appears to possess all the inherent features of the real classroom. It simplifies the act of teaching and provide opportunities under controlled conditions to a degree never possible before. Under simulated conditions, the trainee does not have any inhabitations.
5. Teaching models/modelling:
The student learns behaviour patterns of others through imitation. In micro teaching, the trainees have opportunities to study behaviour patterns through imitation. In micro teaching, the trainees have opportunities to study behaviour patterns through different types of modelling such as audio modelling, perceptual modelling (film, video, live) and symbolic modelling (Hand books, guides, lesson plans).
The models can be positive, negative and mixed. The types of models and modelling are selected on the basis of the nature of the skill to be performed.
The Micro teaching cycle or spiral
The following sequence of events comprise the micro-teaching cycle.
- Identifying the component skill
- Discussing the skill
- Demonstrating the skill
- Planning the micro-lesson
- Teaching the micro-lesson
- Providing feed back
- Re-planning, Re-teaching – Re feedback.... Goes on
The micro-teaching procedure can be grouped under three phases
- Knowledge acquisition phase
- Skill acquisition phase
- Transfer phase
Advantages - micro teaching
- It is real teaching
- It reduces the complexities of normal classroom situation
- It focuses only one teaching skill at a time
- It provides authentic feedback.
- It is practiced under simulated conditions.
- It is an individualized teacher training procedure
- Model or demo class is available.
- It is only simulation technique with less number of students over a short period of time
- It is very expensive to set micro teaching laboratory.
- Only few teaching skills can be explored.
- Integration of skills is not an easy task.
- It is time consuming
Link Practice
The ultimate aim of micro-teaching is to apply the required teaching skills for full or macro teaching. There is a wide gap between micro class and macro class. Link practice is a procedure to bridge the gap between micro class and macro class.
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