Need and Importance of School Timetable

need and importance of timetable

H.G. Stead observed, “It is the timetable that supplies the frame work within which the work of the school proceeds. It is the instrument through which the purpose of the school is to function”. This definition implies the significance of timetable in the smooth and efficient functioning of a school. Success of the entire educational programme depends on a timetable that is thoroughly designed. The significance of the school timetable may be attributed to its values listed below,

(a) Timetable ensures smooth and orderly working of the school
In a timetable everything is planned well in advance. It places proper persons at their proper places at the proper time and in the right manner. By looking at the timetable teachers and students come to know of their work as well as the time for doing each item. This it ensures smooth, orderly and regular work in the school, even in the absence of the headmaster.

(b) It prevents waste of time and energy
Timetable shows exactly what is to be done at a particular time. The work is almost equally distributed among the members of the staff. It is helpful in directing the teachers’ and pupils’ energy and concentration to a particular item at a time. Such an arrangement helps in avoiding waste of time and energy on the part of both the teachers and pupils.

(c) It ensures equitable distribution of work among teachers.
Proper designing bf the time-table is highly helpful in assigning equal work among the teachers. Thus, allotment of too much or too less work to one teacher is avoided. Further, total work load of every teacher is readily available in the time-table.

(d) It ensures equitable distribution of time to different subjects and activities.
A good timetable takes into account the relative importance of different subjects end activities and time is allotted accordingly. Thus more important subjects and activities are given more attention and time. At the same time the less important subjects and activities are not altogether neglected.

(e) Physiological and psychological needs of pupils are given attention“
The timetable takes into account the physiological fatigue, interest, freshness of body and mind of pupils at the time of its designing. Thus it helps in adjusting school work according to the needs of the pupils.

(f) It helps in the formulation of good habits
Timetable helps in developing a systematic attitude towards work among pupils and teachers. Therefore they develop good habits of regularity, orderliness, punctuality and steadiness in work. Success of everyone in life depends on the formulation of these habits.

(g) Advance planning by the teachers and pupils possible
Time-table provides scope for anticipating future educational programmes and activities related to academic excellence and personality development of pupils. Such a plan of action can be incorporated in a time-table that is intelligently developed by the school.

(h) Time-table promotes school discipline.
      School time-table is highly helpful in promoting proper discipline in the school. This is ensured through keeping pupils busy all through the school hours in desired activities. 

Read More :

  • Timetable - Definition
  • Types of timetable
  • Factors and Principles that govern timetable construction
