Need and Significance of Guidance and Counselling in Schools

Need and significance of Guidance and Counselling in Schools

The secret of good education consists in enabling the student to discover and develop his potentialities for his personal happiness and social usefulness, realize what are his talents and aptitudes and in what manner and to what extent he can best develop them so as to achieve proper social adjustment ad seek right types of employment. For this to realize, guidance should be an integral part of school system. The following arguments further substantiate the need for guidance in schools.

  1. To help in the total development of the student.
  2. To enable students to make proper choices at various stages of their educational career.
  3. It helps the child to recognize and use his inner resources, to set goals, to make plans to work out his own problems of development.
  4. To help students choose, prepare for, enter upon and progress in a career.
  5. To help students make the best possible adjustments to the situations in the schools as well as in the home.
  6. To minimize the mismatching between education and employment and help in the efficient use of manpower.
  7. It is needed to check wastage and stagnation.
  8. To minimize the incidence of indiscipline.
  9. To help the exceptional children in their optimal development.
  10. It is needed to satisfy needs of all types of learners.
  11. Guidance is needed to tackle emotional problems
  12. To develop healthy and balanced personality.
