Planning, Implementing and Assessment of LAC


  • Identify new terminology and concepts within content
  • Identify language registers and style of writing in the subject.
  • Determine learning goals
  • Decide on essential previous knowledge required by students
  • Structure and plan meaningful tasks for learners to acquire effective language skills
  • Create opportunities for learners to use language in relation to subject specific tasks like preparing a lab report, a project proposal,  a business email etc.
  • Establish strategies to ensure fair and equitable opportunities for all.
  • Collect effective resources
  • Design appropriate evaluation strategies


          Learn the format of LAC lesson plan. The best lesson plan is worthless if not implemented properly.Some suggested practices are:
  • Establish a positive classroom environment
  • Give clear idea of lesson objectives to students
  • Maintain interest and variety to sustain student attention.
  • Use appropriate speed 
  • Collect timely student feedback
  • Maintain a reflective  teacher journal


  • The focus of assessment is on learner’s progress in understanding of linguistic elements in an area of study. 
  • Use different assessment strategies 
  • Have oral and written assessments
  • Establish effective routines for observing performance and assessment
  • Double grade students: one grade for content and one grade for linguistic correctness
  • Use portfolios for authentic assessment
  • Supply word banks / peer interpreters for assessment 
  • Can allot extended time to complete tests
